You are NOT a bad parent. You just weren’t given the right tools.
— Harmony

Life coaching for parents of


autistic or

PDA kids

Work with me


Chaos in House
Calm Blue Ocean with father and son


Do you find yourself wondering if you are doing it wrong? Do you feel completely inadequate to parent your child? Or wonder why this parenting thing is so hard? Other parents offer you advice: “just bring a coloring book and some crayons and they’ll be fine!” (yes - this really happened!). Ha. If only.

The constant vigilance, worry, dread. Unsure if your child will make it through that event/birthday party/outing. All the therapy appointments and phone calls from school. The desire to hide in the bathroom for just a few minutes alone. Not to mention all the shoulds…

You should have more boundaries

You should do less screen time

He should be able to get dressed on his own

She should be able to sit still for a minute

You should all eat at the table together

You should be able to keep your cool

We should be doing more

We should be doing less

Feeling helpless, hopeless, and buried under a mountain of “shoulds”.

Let me help you lose the guilt and shame so that you can focus on your child and feel good about your parenting.

Because life's too short to dwell on the ‘should haves’.

Book a free consult call below.

Currently my coaching packages are 6 weeks of 1:1 coaching via Zoom.

Price: $600

About Me

Parenting a special needs child is not for the faint of heart. It is a complex mix of emotions – complete with lots of highs and lows. Add on the heaps of guilt and judgement and we have quite the mix!

We feel ashamed of our kids when they have a meltdown in public. And we feel ashamed of ourselves as a parent – with all those judgmental looks from others. And then we feel ashamed – for being ashamed of our kid!

I know what this journey is like. I get it. Our son was diagnosed with ADHD in 2019 and Autism in 2021. We learned about PDA a few years ago and that fits too.

I know what it is like to feel like you have tried ALL the things. To think that you must be doing something wrong because other parents say these things worked for them. To have the doctors and teachers tell you that it must be YOUR PARENTING causing these challenges.

To wish that there was an instruction book on how to raise your unique child.

I found coaching a few years ago and it has helped me drop the judgement and shame.

I can help you too.

Book a free consult call below.

Level 2 Certificate

Level 1 Certificate


  • Working with Harmony has been nothing short of transformative. Her insights and guidance were instrumental in helping me realize my strenghts, appreciate my journey, and find a greater sense of purpose.


  • In only two sessions I am moving away from self-judgemental thoughts. I feel lighter already.


The guide to guilt-free parenting an Autistic, ADHD or pda child

You are not broken. You are not a bad parent. You really can change. It is possible to love being a parent again. Get this free guide to help you drop the guilt and shame and become the parent you’re meant to be.

Enter your information to receive the guide and start feeling better today.

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